TV advertising: not just for big businesses

Relax it’s not as expensive as you might think…

Did you know TV advertising is 28% cheaper than 10 years ago?

Due to the rapid development in quality of handheld devices and the improvements in editing software, the costs of shooting and developing a television advert have fallen remarkably quickly.

Also with the variety of channels available this offers a range of opportunities for those on a tight budget and with the rise of TV Video On Demand, television advertising remains one of the most powerful methods of advertising.

So how can smaller businesses get in on the action? As businesses like Graze, and Diet Chef have demonstrated, TV advertising can be a realistic option for all businesses and doesn’t cost the earth.

With the number of TV and VOD channels now available, there are plenty of opportunities to buy advertising slots inexpensively. Geo-targeting allows business to advertise where they want; this can be local or national depending on your requirements. Additionally VOD advertising enables those with smaller budgets to reach a larger area than standard broadcast alone and its not as expensive as you think!

Here are some interesting TV advertising facts at a glance:

  • Commercial TV reaches 91.9% of the UK every week (BARB, 2016)
  • An average broadcast TV campaign in the UK (of 400 TV ratings) gets 237 million views (BARB, 2016)
  • 86% of TV in the UK is watched live (BARB, 2016)
  • Including TV advertising in a campaign increases its effectiveness by 40%, making it the most effective medium (IPA, 2016)
  • TV advertising is the best for generating top-line growth that drives profit, with a 2.6% average market share point gained per year when using TV advertising (IPA, 2016)
  • There are 17 million conversations about TV advertising every evening in the UK (BARB/Thinkbox, 2016)
  • VOD advertising alone has a 92% viewing rate.

Interested? Not sure where to start?

Media agencies are a recommended choice.

Why use a media agency?

As an independent media agency ourselves we can produce advertising for any TV and VOD channel in order to develop a cost effective broadcast TV Advertising campaign that meets your needs. We are neutral as an agency and operate solely on your requirements.

Your campaign will broadcast on the network of your choice. We have contacts with SKY/ ITV/ UKTV/ Channel 5 / DAVE and many more including local TV.

How Can We Help You?

That’s simple, We are the only local production company with a long, successful and proven track record in TV advertising, not only can we produce your perfect TV advert but we can also put together an excellent advertising package that makes the best use of your budget as well as including a multi platform broadcast across social networks, Google Adwords and of course Television.

Here are just a few national adverts we have created :-


Produced in-house by our talented team we can take your advertising campaign from concept to delivery. You will have a team of well experience professionals working on your campaign using the latest broadcast specification cameras and other equipment.

Find out more about our TV Advertising Services

Or why not get in touch email the team at [email protected]


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