Ways To Revolutionise Your Employee Induction Training

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Employee induction training isn’t the most glamorous of topics, and the word ‘induction’ usually sends people to sleep straight away! Most of us have bad memories associated with inductions that we have had to go through when starting a new job. Whether that was sitting in a room being subjected to a boring presentation that looked like it came out of the 80s, or health & safety presentations that turned into great napping opportunities!

Although there is a lot to take in on your first day at a new job, lots of new faces to meet and names to learn, induction training still doesn’t have to be that tedious. This is the first encounter the new employee will have with your business, so it needs to engage them from the start. Yes, the mundane formalities have to happen, but there is nothing to say you can’t make them interesting!

What Is Induction Training?

Before we take a look at how Resolution Digital can help transform your employee induction training, it is always a good idea to understand what on earth we are talking about! Induction training is where a new employee undergoes training so they can learn their new role quickly and easily.

It is always best that induction training is regulated by the HR department so that everyone is exposed to the same level of training. The main topics that are usually covered during induction are:

  1. Health and safety
  2. Code of conduct
  3. Employee responsibilities
  4. Office walkthrough
  5. Company history and culture
  6. Meeting with other members of staff (senior management)

Induction training is the best way to ease a new recruit into the workplace, without overloading them with information. It is one of the best ways of communicating essential information between new staff and the employer, helping them to start off on the right foot. As well as the main topics listed above, employee induction also often covers the more specific HR details including payroll and pension.

Importance of Induction Training

As induction training takes time, and of course time is money, it may be tempting to skip the process. However, induction training does actually bring a few benefits to the table:

  • Time and money are actually saved as the employee is able to start performing their duties from the get-go. The induction training will have provided them with all the information they need to get started and feel comfortable within the organisation.
  • Turnover rates are often reduced. This is because inductions clear up any confusion that the new employee may have had about the company, helping them to settle into the role more quickly.
  • Higher levels of respect – as the new employee has the opportunity to meet the senior management team straight away. By taking the time to induct the new employee, they will instantly feel more valued and welcomed into the company.
  • Grounds for communication. What we mean here is that by introducing the new employee to everyone in the company, this helps to lay the foundation for how the employee should communicate, and who to.

Revolutionising Employee Induction Training

Now onto the fun part, how can you make induction training more exciting and therefore effective for your new employees? Going online is by far the best way. Interactive learning is the best way to engage new employees, and bespoke Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide that platform. At Res Digital we have been creating bespoke induction training systems for years, so know exactly what will help make your employee inductions more effective.

The employee will be given their own login and asked to click through the training, answering questions and quizzes along the way. This helps to consolidate their knowledge and understanding, so they can’t just skim through the induction and pretend they have completed it! An LMS is really effective as it means new employees can learn the basics on their first day, and then go away and undertake further training if required at a later date (in their own time).

Introducing a checklist is also a good idea when inducting new employees. This could be integrated within the LMS so it is interactive, and gives them an outline of all the different stages of their training. Keeping the entire induction process bite-sized is key, otherwise the new employee will lose interest and become disengaged. That is why you need experts like the team at Res Digital to create a bespoke employee induction system that engages your staff.

If you would like to find out more about the work we do, and some of the leading international organisations we have created induction training systems for, please contact us today. We can help transform your employee induction process.

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