How 200+ Videos Power UKRO’s IFE-Endorsed Fire Safety Training Portal

In 2017, the United Kingdom Rescue Organisation (UKRO) partnered with Res Digital to create the UKRO Academy, a now invaluable online platform endorsed by the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE), designed to deliver accessible online training to the UK’s Fire and Rescue Services.

UKRO’s Commitment to Advancing Professional Rescue

UKRO is a practitioner-led organisation specialising in advancing fire and rescue training. Their passion for setting and benchmarking high industry standards required a custom-designed platform that provides immersive online training from fire safety professionals and rescue experts, delivering accurate depictions of real-world scenarios in an engaging and educational way.

UKRO Academy: A Custom-Built Platform

Res Digital designed a fully bespoke platform to meet UKRO’s specific needs, with a clear understanding of the requirements within the fire and rescue services. The UKRO Academy platform is user-friendly, supports progress tracking through detailed dashboards and facilitates regular updates to ensure the system remains up-to-date while continuing to support training in new technologies.

Further key features include efficient team administration, customisable user profiles and comprehensive rescue and safety modules presented via videos, documents, aide memoires and more.  The platform accommodates unlimited users and provides 24/7 access, ensuring automatic learning record maintenance for review at any time. The ability to update modules in real-time keeps training relevant as new safety protocols emerge.

Video Training: Continuous High-Quality Content

Res Digital has produced over 200 video modules in collaboration with UKRO’s Education and Development team and continues to expand their extensive library.

Using our green screen studio, we consistently produce high-quality, presenter-led content that incorporates real-world simulated footage filmed with the UKRO team. Engaging quizzes accompany the modules to reinforce key concepts, making training interactive and helping trainees retain knowledge.

An Invaluable Tool for The Fire and Rescue Services

 Today, the UKRO Academy has become an invaluable tool for fire and rescue services across the UK, providing a repository of over 200 video modules, 400 quiz questions and 500 supporting documents that holistically address every facet of fire safety and rescue training, designed by experts in the field.

Looking Ahead

Res Digital continues to support UKRO by expanding the platform’s content and features, ensuring that training remains relevant and accessible for all users. Upcoming additions include a new suite of video modules on new technologies, using our updated virtual studio designed to enhance user engagement even further.

This project shows the power of custom-designed training platforms and innovative video solutions and how they can transform traditional training into dynamic, self-paced learning experiences.

Interested in a Custom Training Solution?

Contact Res Digital for a free consultation and demo to explore how our video and software solutions can be tailored to meet your specific industry needs.

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